Glamping, the newest travel trend 

Whenever people mention camping, we tend to imagine the worst scenarios. We think of being deep in the woods, with bears and snakes and no toilet paper or a hot shower in sight. But camping doesn’t have to mean sleeping on the floor and eating canned food for dinner. Camping can now mean hot showers, a comfy bed, and a luxury holiday. The best part is, it involves the serenity and peace of camping with the comfort of a hotel. So here are some of the reasons why glamping (luxury camping) is a must. 

It is fun for the whole family

Camping is a great family holiday. It is affordable, nature-filled, and involves plenty of time for family bonding. For couples with young children and toddlers, going camping is a scary experience. When it comes to glamping, this doesn’t have to be an issue anymore. Children will be safe from coming in contact with bugs or snakes and having to sleep on the floor. So parents won’t have to worry about their children’s holiday experience being ruined anymore. If the grandparents want to come along there’s no need to worry about that either. Camping used to me in roughing it for a few days but with glamping, even grandma and grandpa can come with. Glamping means no more exhaustion from sleeping on the floor, less grumpiness from cold showers in the morning, and fewer bug bites by the end of the holiday for the whole family. 

Glamping, the newest travel trend

No more health woes

One thing that scares everybody about camping is being so far away from towns or cities. This can be concerning for people with skin conditions, asthma, or those who are just generally cautious about their health. With glamping, there’s less need to worry. Hot showers and clean environments mean fewer chances of getting sick. It will also mean looking and feeling better than you would alone in the wilderness. Any injured muscles or joints? No need to worry about those, you’ll sleep snug as a bug in a glamping ‘tent’. Medicine won’t be an issue either, as there will be less chance of it getting wet or ruined by unsteady tents and bad weather. Beautiful views don’t have to come at the cost of your health, or your family’s health either, which is super helpful during these uncertain times. 

The destinations are awesome

Glamping is a unique combination of nature and luxury, meaning that the destinations that glamping offers offer a great experience. This means that instead of roasting hotdogs on a stick over a fire, you’ll find yourself eating in the local village restaurants. Instead of relying on hiking and reading for entertainment, you could shop in marketplaces. You’ll get the best of both worlds with glamping, where you can hike in the day but go to a nice dinner at night. You might even find some souvenirs at a local store, or taste the best cupcakes at a local bakery. If camping is about canned food, then glamping is about a four-course meal. 

Glamping, the newest travel trend

It’s eco-friendly

The tourism industry has taken a hit lately, so planning fun, but still having responsible vacations, is more important than ever. We always want to leave the forest, village, or even city cleaner than we have found it out of respect for local wildlife and people, and glamping is one way to do this. Most glamping sites make it their mission to reduce waste, discourage littering, and give back to their local ecosystem. So glamping not only stimulates the economy in the destination of your choice but can make you a better traveler too. 

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